Tech for Good Summit 2023

Summit shownotes

The Tech for Good Summit 2023 on the 20th of April 2023 brought together a wide range of practitioners that are active in the tech for good ecosystem across the tech, third and public sectors. The event covered a wide range of topics related to the use of technology to deliver benefits to civil society across the UK.

This page lists the sessions from the event, with links to the on-demand recordings and a list of resources referred to in or relevant to the sessions and the topics under discussion.

Welcome address
Tech for Good Alistair Forbes Tech for Good Alistair Forbes

Welcome address

The Tech for Good Summit 2023 marks 3 years since the launch of the Scottish Tech Army at the height of the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has faded but the need and the opportunity for tech for good has not, indeed it could be said to be greater than ever.

At the Tech for Good Summit in 2022, the Scottish Tech Army announced the launch of the Tech for Good Alliance - join our co-founder and CEO as he shares highlights from the past year and looks ahead to the challenges facing the third sector and the opportunities for the tech for good ecosystem to join forces to create positive change.

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Cross-sector collaboration
Tech for Good Alistair Forbes Tech for Good Alistair Forbes

Cross-sector collaboration

The Tech for Good ecosystem spans all sectors and within each there are examples of great work being done but there is a huge amount of untapped potential in collaboration between sectors. Creating new initiatives from scratch is an arduous and time-consuming process – how can organisations join forces across sectors to build on work that is already taking place and what could be achieved by doing so?

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Skilled volunteering - value to business
Tech for Good Alistair Forbes Tech for Good Alistair Forbes

Skilled volunteering - value to business

Many companies now offer their employees the opportunity to carry out voluntary work during paid hours. This reflects genuine philanthropic intent and the organisations being supported undoubtedly derive benefit from it, especially when staff are using their specialist skills rather than carrying out lower-skilled manual tasks. What are the benefits back to the business itself?

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Closing keynote - Kathryn Baddeley
Tech for Good Alistair Forbes Tech for Good Alistair Forbes

Closing keynote - Kathryn Baddeley

In 2015, Cisco set itself a challenge to positively impact 1 billion lives through its social impact grants and programmes by 2025. As we start 2023, this global technology giant has reported that it is 70% in to meeting that challenge.

Kathryn Baddeley has led Cisco UK & Ireland's CSR programme for more than ten years. We will hear more about this extraordinary stretch target and what the focus will be for the next two years and beyond.

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Skilled volunteering - value to the third sector
Tech for Good Alistair Forbes Tech for Good Alistair Forbes

Skilled volunteering - value to the third sector

Volunteers are the bedrock of the third sector – it simply wouldn’t function without them.

Skilled volunteering, whether from the tech or any other specialist sector can be transformational for charities, but sometimes doesn’t realise its full potential. How can the third sector capitalise on the opportunities that skilled volunteering offers and what is the impact when it works well?

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Opening keynote - Rhodri Davies
Tech fod Good Alistair Forbes Tech fod Good Alistair Forbes

Opening keynote - Rhodri Davies

Rhodri Davies is a well-known expert and commentator on philanthropy and civil society issues. He is the founder and Director of the think tank Why Philanthropy Matters and the host of the Philanthropisms podcast. He is also a Pears Research Fellow in the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent, and Philanthropy Expert in Residence at the Pears Foundation.

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Infrastructure for the third sector
Tech for Good Alistair Forbes Tech for Good Alistair Forbes

Infrastructure for the third sector

The technology landscape in the third sector is fragmented and where common systems have been created it has often been difficult to get widespread adoption. There is no ‘one size fits all’ tech platform that can serve all the needs of an entire sector, but there are undoubtedly requirements that are common across significant parts of it. These could be horizontal applications like funding application processes, impact measurement and reporting, or vertical applications supporting organisations working in similar areas, such as asylum seekers and refugees, food distribution, and tackling homelessness.

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Federated organisations - the scale opportunity
Tech for good Alistair Forbes Tech for good Alistair Forbes

Federated organisations - the scale opportunity

Federated organisations share some characteristics of franchise models. Common processes and systems underpin the operations of successful franchise operations. In principle this lends itself well to federated organisations in the third sector – is this approach being utilised now and what can be done to increase awareness of what works well and encourage greater openness and uptake of this approach?

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Open data for action
Tech for Good Alistair Forbes Tech for Good Alistair Forbes

Open data for action

The value and power of open data was highlighted to everyone during the pandemic. There are many open data sets being generated from multiple sources but there are also many issues with discoverability, consistency and frequency/regularity of updates.

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Equality of opportunity
Alistair Forbes Alistair Forbes

Equality of opportunity

There is much talk of the digital divide. On one hand, there is a widely-recognised shortage of skilled people in the tech sector and others that rely on technology, and on the other hand there is an urgent problem of digital exclusion and a dearth of equality of opportunity for many individuals in our society.

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