Our website support …

We have helped a number of charities with their new websites and improved existing sites as services move increasing online. Examples include Passion4Fusion, Venture Scotland and Earthing Project. If you only have a Facebook page and want a new site we can offer you a low cost solution.

How can we help …

It is amazing how many websites do not tell you what the organisation does in plain language. We will help you put together a website for your community that puts your supporters at the centre of the design and brings what you do, to life.

We are on a mission to deliver good, accessible and environmentally friendly websites to the third sector.

You can ask for help with an existing site or need a new one. Our approach includes a managed website offering but this may not be right for you!

What can we do for you …

We will …

  1. Work with you to design your site

  2. Build the site with the words and images that you supply

  3. Train you and your team to ensure you can maintain the site going forward

  4. Put your site live - checking that your site is fully accessible and easy to find in a google search

  5. Ensure that you are able and confident to make changes and updates to your site

  6. Support your site when we are done. This covers technical support not writing and image loading.

Easy peasy!